Meet Wes Tankersley

Meet the host of Shaping Success Podcast, Wes Tankersley.

Wes Tankersley, HostWes Tankersley lives in Boise, Idaho with his wife, son, and daughter. For 11 years he changed tires for a

He went to college and got a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and became a Phys Ed teacher and baseball coach. After getting his master’s degree in education technology, he realized success and happiness is not measured in degrees. It is measured in hard work and integrity. He got a job selling window coverings which is what he still does today.

Three years ago, he started a podcast called Shaping Success where he interviews people talking about how they define success, how they got there, and the life lessons they learned along the way. The show is constantly evolving, and now he does more solo episodes on various topics to help people and show them who he is through his experiences.

Even though he is no longer in the classroom, his passion is teaching others to find their own success. With helping others, he is learning as well. He is always hungry for knowledge and looking for ways to improve himself.

“Never cease trying to be the best you can be.” John Wooden